两种常用的产品来帮助购买资金或偿还债务, 根据你的财务状况和目标,个人贷款和信用卡都是不错的选择. Each loan has features that could be beneficial; continue reading to learn about the difference between personal loans and credit cards, when it’s best to use each, and how to get started.


个人 贷款

A personal loan is considered an installment loan, 意思是你借了一笔固定的钱,并承诺还钱, and some interest, with monthly payments over the life of the loan. 作为分期付款贷款,借款人支付固定的金额,直到借款的全部偿还. 这些类型的贷款通常具有较低的利率和稳定的付款,可以帮助你保持在预算范围内,并与你的财务目标保持一致.

个人贷款是一个很好的选择,当你确切地知道你需要多少钱,最好是大, one-off purchases such as home improvement projects, consolidating debt, or car expenses.



A credit card is a revolving line of credit, 因此,您可以根据需要借款,并根据每个月的未偿余额付款. 这种类型的贷款更适合于更频繁的购买,你可以比个人贷款更快地还清. Some cards offer rewards, like Arbor’s Visa Rewards Card which earns:

  • 3X Points on restaurants and travel
  • 2X Points on groceries and gas
  • 1X Points on everything else

奖励可以兑换回现金、礼品卡、商品、旅行奖励等等! Plus, Arbor’s 低利率 can help you save money and come with great benefits.

Credit cards can help fund emergency expenses and more, such as new appliances, event tickets, online purchases, or tires for the car. 根据你的消费习惯,如果你每个月全额支付余额,你可能不欠利息.


How to Decide

在决定贷款的时候,检查一下你的信用评分. 贷款人通常会根据你的财务历史或信誉来决定你是否有资格获得贷款. 通常, the higher your credit score, the more qualified you’ll be for a loan, giving you more options and terms to choose from.

 一旦你准备好申请或者想讨论更多的选择,你可以 visit any Arbor Financial branch, call our loan center at 269.488.5945, or apply online on our website.


*利率 are variable. 资格是基于对个人信誉的评估和我们的承销标准. All Credit Union loan programs, 利率, 条款及条件如有更改,恕不另行通知. Not all applicants will qualify. 

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